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Governor Tom Wolf Regrets Failed $2,000 Stimulus Checks

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Tom Wolf is just about finished as Pennsylvania’s Governor after a rate of two terms and eight years all marked by the COVID-19 shutdown, budget surplus and election security. And yet, it was all a sufferable time. For COVID-19 had been ravaging Pennsylvanians for a long time. SO much so that Pennsylvania wasn’t able too send $2,000 stimulus checks right to the residents. It was imminent among the federal government’s very own stimulus check program. Which was said to be popular while assisting with stimulus check programs. Of course, this is meant to help the Pennsylvanians by allowing them to keep food indoors and on the tables while the economy had been shut down and the workers were therefore laid off. Yet, in spite of many efforts and public campaigning Pennsylvanians were never able to acquire the state-funded $2,000 stimulus checks which Wolf would push for in interest of the $1.7 billion PA Opportunity Plan.

Wolf wanted to counter the effort with hopes to deliver stimulus checks to residents among the budget surplus and influx of federal cashflow.

The money would’ve come from federal funds, it was free money just send it out, and they did not want to do that. But then after the budget passed, there’s another opportunity instead of using federal money, it’e best to use state money. They had plenty it’s not like we had to raise anybody’s taxes.

In Wolf’s plan, Pennsylvania households with an income of $80,000 or less would’ve received the $2,000 direct payments.

Wolf said with residents facing inflation at the grocery store and gas pump, $2000 bucks would’ve been nice.

The PA Opportunity Plan included $225 million in support for small businesses, $204 million for direct property tax relief, $325 million for Pennsylvania’s healthcare system, and $450 million to invest in the conservation, preservation, and revitalization of Pennsylvania communities.

Any American Rescue Plan money that Pennsylvania received that remains unused by December 31, 2024, will need to be returned to the federal government.

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