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New Laws Set for Pennsylvania in 2024

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Stealing packages like these could soon result in a felony charge.
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Several laws were introduced and signed into action for Pennsylvania in 2023, with official dates to take effect set in 2024. The Governor, Josh Shapiro, along with the state House of Representatives and state Senate offices set these laws into motion throughout the year, and most of these are expected to go into action as soon as January 1st.

Dog License Law

This new law was passed by Governor Shapiro in October of this year. The law updates the requirements for dog licenses in the state of Pennsylvania, requiring licenses to be obtained at the time they are bought or adopted, or when they reach three months old. Whichever of these two things occurs first is the one in which must be followed. Furthermore, people selling and/or putting dogs up for adoption are required to provide a copy of the application for a dog license to the new owner.

Stricter Porch Theft Law

This is a law that was more recently signed into action, having passed earlier this month. The law aims to lessen the amount of theft occurring on people’s property of their mail, packages, and more. The law makes it so that stealing mail can result in a summary offense, misdemeanor, or felony. What charge is given to the perpetrator depends on the repetition of the offense and the value of the stolen goods.

Reform to Probation Laws

Another bill signed into law this December is one that reforms some prior existing laws on probation. This new law puts into place a requirement of a probation review conference after either two years or half of the set probation. The time depends on whichever is sooner, meaning if a person is on probation for three years, they would have the review after a year and a half, but if they are on probation for eight years, they would have their review after two years. This was changed in the hopes of helping to give real second chances to those on probation.

Protections for Incarcerated Women Law

The Dignity for Incarcerated Women Act was passed in December, and it will limit the use of solitary confinement, restraints, and cavity searches done on women who are pregnant or recently postpartum. It also will provide better care and recovery processes, more feminine hygiene products, and allow more frequent family visitations for postpartum incarcerated women.

These are just a few of the laws that will be going into effect in 2024 that passed this year. There are at least three others, and we expect many more to be signed in the early days of the year.

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