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Petersen Museum Gives Money to a Female-Ran Automotive Business

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The Petersen Automotive Museum is stepping in this year to create opportunities for female-led startups. What probably lead to this was only about 24% of the motor vehicle industry positions were held by women in 2019. Terry Karges, Petersen executive director, and his team have come up with what is being called an incubator program. In fact, this program would support women at the helm of the early-stage automotive-associated companies with a three-month mentorship.

Petersen Automotive Museum Gives Thousands to Help Grow a Business

$25,000 will be given to a firm chose to grow its business. Obviously, the money can help quite a bit. The key component gift of this program is the access to mentorship from six industry leaders: including Sarah Lassek with Omaze; Alex Parker, Redline Detection, LLC; Diane Parker, Historic Vehicle Association; Dr. Sabrina Kay. In addition to Fremont Private Investments; Nikki Riedmiller, Kahn Media; and Jasmine Gonzalez, Petersen Automotive Museum. Having connections and networking is key for anyone breaking into a business does know. In addition to getting soild advice to help you avoid expensive mistakes that comprise a large head start.

Female-Led Business Owners Speak About Breaking into a Male-Dominated Industry

Sarah Lassek, senior vice president of Omaze, says she is passionate about cars and getting more women in and around cars.

Lassek has said the automotive and motorsport industry is very male-dominating. Therefore, it’s hard to break in. It’s really not about leveling the playing field so much as to open the doors to let women come on in. Chosen more easily [for jobs in automotive] are men. Why can’t you give women that equal change and therefore they show what they can do? All very good questions!

Petersen Automotive Museum is Accepting Applications Now

Until July 31st, the committee is accepting applications. This also includes not just the financial backing and mentorship but more. An office inside the Peterson, too. As well as access to all the contracts and resources the Petersen has to offer. Moreover, applicants can own a business that is connecting to automotive in various ways, like aftermarket vehicle accessories, driving-related apparel, transport, and delivery.

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