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Pittsburgh Police Shoot Armed Man In Leg During Confrontation

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – A county investigation began after a Pittsburgh police officer shot a man in the leg yesterday.


Police officers got a call about a man that was pistol-whipped by another man on the block of Charcot Street.


When they arrived at the location of the victim, he told the cops that the suspect who had attacked him was just a few blocks away. He was also bleeding from his head.


The cops went towards the direction of the suspect and found him eventually. The suspect, Dontay R. Green, claimed that he did not have any weapons on him. He lifted his shirt up to show that he is not armed.


Afterward, he turned around and started to run away from the cops. While he was running, the cops immediately started to chase him. They saw that he was carrying a gun on him hidden behind in his waistband.


As he kept running, he reached a place filled with cars, so he went and hid in between two cars. He then took out his “semi-automatic pistol” according to the police.


Thus lead to one of the cops shooting Green in the leg. However, Green did not give up. He got up, threw the gun away and started to run from the cops again.


Right at the intersection of Charcot Street and Clover Street, they caught Green and arrested him.


The incident is currently under investigation by Allegheny County police. Anytime a Pittsburgh police officer is involved in a shooting, the Allegheny County police will get involved in the case.


There was a body camera on the cop, so the video from the camera shows everything that happened and even captured when Green was clearly getting his gun out.


After Green got shot, the cops called medical paramedics to treat his wound. When they searched him, the cops found cocaine and marijuana on Green.


He told them that his reason was running was because of having drugs on him.


The officer still has not been identified.


Witnesses to this incident claim that Green was running with his hands up.


He has been charged with 3 counts of aggravated assault and will appear in court this week.

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