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Preparing Your Car for Auto Transportation With Us

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Check under the hood to confirm everything is all good!
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Before you have your car shipped off using our auto transportation services, there are some important things you first need to do. Each of these steps may sound unnecessary, but they actually all have reasonings behind them. If you do all, or at least most, of these steps before you have your vehicle shipped, it will help your shipping go more smoothly from start to finish!

Firstly, wash your car.

We know what you are thinking, why wash my car just to have it shipped? Is that not a bit counterproductive since it will likely get dirty while it is being shipped? The answer to that is yes, it will likely get dirty while it is being shipped, but that does not mean washing it beforehand is not a good idea! You see, the reason we say to wash your car before shipping it actually has to do with the fact that it will allow you to get the best idea as to the condition of your vehicle prior to shipping! This means you will be able to clearly see any damage such as scratches and scuffs that your car already has. This is important to know so that you can differentiate any damage that may arise while shipping your car!

Secondly, check on the condition of everything.

Similarly to how you want to check in on the exterior of your car by washing it so that you know what happens to it during transit, you want to do that to the actual car itself. Check in on the condition of the engine, battery, tires, radiator, and more. It is important to know that everything is in proper working condition at any time, but especially when you are about to hand your car over to strangers. Also, when these things are all in proper working condition, you reduce the risk of damage while shipping them!

Thirdly, clean out your car.

When you ship your vehicle, it can get a bit shaky. This means that anything inside is likely to move around a bunch. Prior to your shipping, we suggest removing any loose items from your car to prevent them from moving around too much and damaging the vehicle!

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