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U.S. Steel is Looking for Locations to Build a $3 Billion Plant

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U.S. Steel has just announced that it is looking for locations in the U.S. to build a brand new $3 billion steel plant. That plant would go into construction next year in the New England region.

In fact, PublicSource has reached out to local leaders in government, labor, and the environment to gather their reactions.

U.S. Steel New Plant – Lower Cost and Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Moreover, the new plant will use electric arc furnaces. They are a different kind of technology than what is used at its plants in a local area. In fact, this is a method that can create steel products at a lower cost. Also with fewer greenhouse gas emissions. The company said its decision on a location is going to depend on many factors but has singled out “state and local support.” 

The PublicSource is asking a U.S. steel representative whether the Pittsburgh region — its longtime home — would get any distinctive priority. The company said it would make its decision based on factors like “state and local support. Plus swift permitting, energy availability and cost, and logistics infrastructure.”

In April, U.S. Steel did announce that it wasn’t going to invest $1 billion in modernizing its local facilities and then instead would plan to shut down the three dirtiest furnaces at local city company next year. Thus that would mean a 17% reduction in capacity.

Bringing Back Steel Jobs

The executive director of Pittsburgh Works Together, Jeff Nobers, said a decision to build the plant here would be an economically ever-changing opportunity to then bring back steel jobs to the region.

Investments in the Region

“In fact, what does remain is the need to sure certain industries are preparing to make such a strong investment feeling welcome in a region. The government and other entities are extending this welcome clearly and without any vagueness,” Nobers said.

County Executive Rich Fitzgerald said the region’s investment in exploring hydrogen energy fits in with U.S. Steel’s long-term commitment to produce steel without emitting any greenhouse gases. Not as cost-effective, hydrogen energy isn’t like solar or wind energy. There are some experts that think it will be the best renewable energy technology for heavy industry.

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