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Women’s Rights To Be Featured By Historic Labor Organizer In Panel

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It's high time that women's rights are better recognized. And in what way's better than from a panel featured by the 9to5 labor organizer?
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Annie Hill is well-known as a co-founder of the labor collective 9to5. Her breakthroughs and efforts alike are set to be featured in a March 24th online program. Firstly, this will showcase the organization’s role within the revolution of working women’s activism, from the 1970s. There on the panel, Hill joins the table with Ellen Cassedy and Kim Cook, her co-founders. This whole panel on women’s rights will be a presentation by the local nonprofit, the Battle of Homestead Foundation.

What will the panel cover regarding Women’s Rights?

To begin with, the panel is set to discuss the groundbreaking documentary feature, 9to5: the Story of a Movement. The documentary covers the growth of women’s labor organizing from the 1970s and the 1980s alike. This definitely showcases a volume of paperwork of seemingly impossible heights. Such of which “invites” women and people of color. For the purpose that it keeps many things running before introducing computers in the workplace. The documentary, directed by Julia Reichert and Steven Bognar. It details how dedicated women had to put up with dull work in order to make their dreams come true.

What’s the big deal about the 9to5 collective?

Firstly, consider that 9to5 inspired the real-life movie. You know the one! It’s from 1980 while starring Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, and Dolly Parton. Moreover, the Battle of Homestead Foundation had this to say about the organization. “Employing a steady stream of innovative, media-savvy organizing tactics, 9to5 quickly evolved into the largest membership organization of working women in the United States and served as a catalyst for several legal reforms, including an Office Workers’ Bill of Rights used widely as a template for employee anti-discrimination legislation.”

The panel will discuss the film at length as it offers a sneak peek. Such a sneak peek in the early strategic thinking is nice, no? It’s to see how the team could elevate office worker conditions for women’s rights. Hill graduated in 1971 from the University of Pittsburgh.

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